Protect your mobile life
Mobile Security will stop being supported.
Please note that the Mobile Security app will be removed and support will end on October 31th, 2022. To continue your protection, get the more advanced F-Secure SAFE app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fsecure.ms.safe
F-Secure Mobile Security for Smartphone & Tablet - TRY IT NOW FOR FREE. Keine Anzeigen! Benutzerfreundlich.
From F-Secure, the award-winning cyber security company with over 30 years' experience of protecting millions of users and companies around the world.
With this app you can protect your smartphone or tablet, and the personal content on it. Banking protection, browsing protection, parental control, app scanning, and more.
• APP SCANNING AND APPLICATION PRIVACY protects you against harmful apps
• BANKING PROTECTION gives you extra protection for your online banking (Google Chrome, Safe Browser and Dolphin)
• ONLINE IDENTITY PROTECTION protects your online identity
• PARENTAL CONTROL protects your children from unsuitable web content and applications
• BROWSING PROTECTION for safe web browsing, shopping and banking online
With antivirus and web browsing protection, you're protected against viruses, spyware, hacker attacks and online identity theft. With F-Secure Mobile Security , you can browse, shop and bank online in peace. It also protects you from malicious apps by showing you which apps on your device are a risk to your privacy.
Protect your children from inappropriate websites with parental control, which lets you moderate their online life. Easy to install and use without slowing down your device, F-Secure Mobile Security will protect you.
Safe browsing works only when you are browsing the Internet with Safe Browser. To easily allow you to set Safe Browser as default browser, we install this as an additional icon in the launcher. This also helps a child launch the Safe Browser more intuitively.
F-Secure always applies strict security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data. See the full privacy policy here: https://download.sp.f-secure.com/eula/latest/privacy_eng.html
Device Administrator rights are required for the application to perform and F-Secure is using the respective permissions in full accordance to Google Play policies and with active consent by the end-user. The Device Administrator permissions are used for Parental Control features, in particular:
• Preventing children from removing the application without parental guidance
• Browsing Protection
Diese App verwendet Accessibility Services. F-Secure is using the respective permissions with active consent by the end-user. The Accessibility permissions are used for Family Rules feature, in particular:
• Allowing a parent to protect child from unsuitable web content
• Allowing a parent to apply device and apps usage restrictions for a child. With the Accessibility service applications usage can be monitored and restricted.
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Auf unserer Website können Sie ganz einfach die neuste Version von F-Secure Mobile Security herunterladen! Keine Registrierung oder SMS erforderlich!